20 Replies to “James Gunn Gets Candid About Henry Cavill Superman Talks Amid Backlash”

  1. This doesn’t really tell us much. We don’t need a young superman movie. Been done thru small ville and Lois and Clark. First Wonder Woman 3 now this. I am a fan of Gunn’s film work but this is the beginning of the end I feel for DC films.

  2. I know I will not in any capacity watch a new Superman movie that stars anyone other than Henry Cavill. And that’s coming from a huge cinematic Superman fan. Also won’t watch any new Batman movie that features a new actor in the role. So sick of the constant recasts of these roles.

  3. Honestly, they probably should have just lay low until the final bit of already planned movies came out, then announced the big reboot. How many people are going to want to pay to watch movies and connect with actors/actresses that are going to be replaced in 2 years?

  4. Life under the Gunn could ruin many movies to suit his perceptions. WORST Superman in a movie in my opinion ever was casting Brandon Routh. If you have a winning formula use it until it becomes a problem. Henry Cavill did an awesome job and made the character believable and likable.

  5. There are over 10,000 DC characters to choose from. Why can’t we concentrate on some different ones for a change? Let these ones rest till we miss them again.🙄

    With all this drama I hope the Blue Beetle movie isn’t affected.😒

  6. So…. the new movie will be about a younger Clark working for The Daily Planet?

    Let me guess… awkward Clark Kent, overbearing boss, probably some awkward “ geee, uhhhh, hi Lois” moments.

    Anyone else think that sounds like Peter Parker at the Daily Bugle.

  7. Why don’t they just run a poll? I bet they have 75% saying they’d rather have Cavill and the other current stars. Couldn’t stand the original Batman movies because they couldn’t pick a Batman. DC stands for Dizzying Comics

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