49 Replies to “.”

  1. The doctor. By far the largest kill count and potentially immortal. Super gray morals, willing to do what it takes. Ability to regenerate (potentially indefinitely). And that’s not even the beginning. So yeah. Doctor. Hands down.

  2. Like he said there have been so many that have tried to defeat him and lost. Unquestionably in my mind the doctor. I don’t care if you’re superhuman or not because he uses the most powerful weapon in the world a thought.

  3. With the Tardis, The Doctor easily. Without the Tardis, probably Dumbledore. If we removed Dumbledore, it’d come down to a really epic throwdown between Maul and Wonderwoman where I’m really not sure who’d win.

  4. The Doctor. He’d take me to another planet/time where none of the others could possibly ever show up. Problem solved, and exciting vacation accomplished at the same time.

  5. I’ve watched MAYbe 2 or 3 David Tenant episodes, and between that, knowledge imparted by a close friend, and the countless memes/Tumblr screenshots about Doctor Who, I know enough to choose him.

  6. So many picking the doctor… Not exactly a great track record with companions!

    Of them all, only one stands out as protecting his friends well. I’m going with legolas

  7. Can Wonder Woman’s bracelets stop a lightsaber? She’d obviously completely own Jolie and Legolas. In fact, in a physical battle I think she could take any of them, although we don’t know how pure magic would or wouldn’t work so maybe Dumbledore would have a chance. In a battle of brains only the Doctor and Sherlock would have a chance, but she’s pretty smart too. She could probably foil any evil machinations they might have with her lasso of truth. (Of course, modern Wonder Woman is even more powerful. The Linda Carter version was pretty tame physically compared to lore.)

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