Just a head’s up that if we don’t post tomorrow it will be because we don’t have any power, or we don’t have any internet because of the storm.

Please everyone keep safe and warm, we worry about you!

40 Replies to “Just a head’s up that if we don’t post tomorrow it will be because we don’t have any power, or we don’t have any internet because of the storm.”

  1. I am so worried for so many that cannot afford heat. I am lucky that I live in South Florida, but it is nasty here this morning. It’s so dark it’s like night and I have never heard the boomers that I’ve been hearing this morning. If possible, have everything you need ready. If you have to, go to somebody else’s house. This is going to be a bad one. I hope and pray everybody is safe!

  2. I am in northern WI where some of us after the last storm got power 3 days ago…the local walmart had trucked in a generator to run the place for a few days. Am eying up my trees nervously as they keep making cracking noises. As a girl raised and taught to drive in WY…ground blizzards ain’t nothin to mess with and getting stranded can be deadly if you don’t have the right stuff…and you can lose pieces parts of yourself. once the car battery gets cold its hard to restart to run the heat a bit. So stay home where its safer till all this nonsense passes…house will hold heat longer than your car will. Stay safe y’all.

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