27 Replies to “Why Is Disney Making So Many Live-Action Remakes?”

  1. Because cgi and integration of live action with computer graphics cannot progress unless someone applies themselves. These producers and directors have new ideas and new technologies to play with and they are working with what is available. It’s a trend because it’s new and they want to explore these new opportunities. Instead of hating on it, try to find enjoyment in their new artistic medium. Something else will eventually come from their progress and then that will be the new trend and everybody will decide to bash that instead.

  2. Because nobody wants to work anymore. 🤣 no.. but, seriously… no one makes original movies anymore Disney is one of the biggest culprits. Just keep rehashing, and remaking what made money. “This movie made money, let’s remake it, ruin it, and then do 27 sh!tty sequels. YEAH money! The population is dumbed down so successfully, they practically give us back their slave rations!”

  3. What the studios refer to as a “guaranteed audience”, even if the script is bad, they know enough people will still watch it to enough make money to justify it, and since they own the rights to just about everything, that also reduces overhead $$.
    Quote from the article:

    “Ultimately, it all comes down to an economic issue. Remaking stories that are already beloved by the audience is a safe strategy to ensure a financially successful product without having to risk capital into something that may not bring any revenue in. Live-action remakes have become a tried and tested strategy for Disney to bring in a lot of money, given that it is almost certain that audiences will go and watch the live-action remakes of Disney classics they used to love.”

    I gotta give props to studios like Paramount and Netflix who are still doing a good amount of original shows and films.

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