Wes Ball, director of the upcoming film “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes,” discussed the franchise’s continuity, highlighting the “looseness” that characterizes the series. He primarily focused on the ’68 original and the Caesar Trilogy as key influences, appreciating the creative freedom this iconic series offers.

#PlanetOfTheApes #WesBall #KingdomOfThePlanetOfTheApes #FilmContinuity #SciFiMovies

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3 Replies to “Wes Ball, director of the upcoming film “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes,” discussed the franchise’s continuity, highlighting the “looseness” that characterizes the series. He primarily focused on the ’68 original and the Caesar Trilogy as key influences, appreciating the creative freedom this iconic series offers.”

  1. Maybe it’s just me, but I liked the original Planet Of The Apes and even the Tim Burton remake with the practical effects and when actors wear the ape makeup.

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