38 Replies to ““Furiosa” faces potential box office challenges, raising alarm bells for the summer movie season. The film’s performance could impact expectations for upcoming blockbusters.”

  1. Cinema ticket + gas to drive to a decent cinema + popcorn now is more expensive than 4K UHD disc. And thats if you go alone.

    Not wasting time on sitting in crowded room with people talking, looking at their phones, going to loo and generally being irritating cinema goers.

    I’ll watch it later on on disc. Same with every other movie released this year. Maybe except Romulus, but I’ll wait for reviews of Romulus before buying ticket.

  2. Movie that uses a side character and tries to ride the coat tails of main character of saga to get people to come watch. I heard it wasn’t a bad movie but had a story that didn’t need to be told or anyone cared about. So personally I had no interest in watching or wasting 50 dollars to go see it

  3. I enjoyed it folks. I cant understand Hollywood’s preoccupation of replacing strong male characters with chicks though. Even so, its better than last one. And yanky accents??

  4. The trouble is that the Mad Max thing has been done to death. Thunder dome, Fury Road And now Furiosa all feel like they are just slight variations of the same script.

  5. My expectations weren’t high for Furiosa, but my girlfriend and I went to see it with some friends because it was something to do and I thoroughly enjoyed the flick. Sometimes certain really good movies just don’t quite hit for many reasons. This just might be one of those. I’d hate to think it’s a portent for things to come.

  6. Not sure a lot of people asked for a prequel to a side character from one of four Mad Max films. Looks good and I enjoy the actress but I like more Mad Max in my Mad Max films.

  7. I think it won’t be long before the whole movie entertainment business collapses because of the rising cost of everything. Not just tickets and snacks in the theater but hiw much it costs to make these films and not making that money back. Also most kids these days would rather stream or pirate the movie online than pay anything. I worked with a younger guy who thought it was funny I’d go see movies. He was like why pay 10$ when I can send u a link to watch it for free the day after it’s in theaters.

  8. I go to the movies alot and I can’t remember the last time it was full maybe 2019 for endgame, its not so much the interest has wained but more the prices are mental

    They’d probably have more attendees if they just stopped serving food and allowed you to bring in your own

  9. They keep towing the line with calling these movies failures – but the real truth is that people don’t like going to the theaters anymore and it doesn’t help that Hollywood keeps churning out the same old tropes and ideas. How many times will they milk the Mad Max franchise? Lol – how many FF movies will there be? How many remakes do they do every year?

  10. It cost $48 for my children and I to see Garfield. That’s two child tickets, an adult and sneaking in our own snacks. Maybe that’s the problem, the prices to see a movie are ridiculous!

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