Den of Geek explains why Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor does not appear in the “Doctor Who” episode “73 Yards.” The article delves into the narrative choices and production decisions behind his absence, offering fans insights into how the storyline is being crafted and what to expect from Gatwa’s Doctor in future episodes.

#DoctorWho #NcutiGatwa #73Yards #DenOfGeek #TVSeries

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21 Replies to “Den of Geek explains why Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor does not appear in the “Doctor Who” episode “73 Yards.” The article delves into the narrative choices and production decisions behind his absence, offering fans insights into how the storyline is being crafted and what to expect from Gatwa’s Doctor in future episodes.”

  1. Disappointed so far, two wishy washy, allways on earth,its a massive galaxy and yet allways on earth, and the last episodes we have to watch in a cinema apparently.

  2. It was confusing until I realised it was the old ruby following ruby around all the time guiding her . It was nice for a chance to Millie to do an episode by herself. She did a great job

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