23 Replies to “.”

  1. Tbh if they were anything like the ones in the UK he’d probably have stopped using them as they basically became urinals for the long stagger home after a night out.

  2. Sad. Back in the day we’d let our parents know to come and pick us up from the movie theatre by calling collect from WeReady. 🤣 . Also that happened May 23, 2022.

  3. Those that can buy a phone {party of the first part}, have one. Those who don’t have the money, {the party of the second part}, have someone from the govt come and take money from the party of the first part, and buy a better phone for them. Meanwhile the govt, {party of the socialist part}, skim 80% off the top and funnel it through Russia, China, back to a law firm in San Francisco, CA. Problem solved!

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