“Doctor Who” Series 14 introduces a new episode titled “Boom,” featuring actors Varada Sethu and Mundy, according to Den of Geek. This episode is anticipated to bring fresh dynamics to the series, with Sethu and Mundy’s characters playing crucial roles that add new layers to the evolving narrative of the iconic sci-fi show.

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7 Replies to ““Doctor Who” Series 14 introduces a new episode titled “Boom,” featuring actors Varada Sethu and Mundy, according to Den of Geek. This episode is anticipated to bring fresh dynamics to the series, with Sethu and Mundy’s characters playing crucial roles that add new layers to the evolving narrative of the iconic sci-fi show.”

  1. This one was a real step up from the first two. The old mantra “Things get worse” was turned up to 11. Ncuti stole it. He is magnetic. If it looks like Steven and sounds like Steven, it must be Steven. I know why it was in a studio but this could have been in a real quarry! LOL Well done!

  2. For a quick second you had my hopes up with the doctor carrying a container that looks like a bomb and the episode being called boom…. I thought for a second maybe we might see Ace…

    on the other hand considering where the show has gone I am kind of glad we’re not.

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