“Madame Web” is praised in a recent Den of Geek article for doing one thing particularly well, arguably better than the MCU: its unique approach to character development. The series delves deeper into personal narratives and psychological complexity, setting it apart from typical superhero arcs in the MCU.

#MadameWeb #MCU #CharacterDevelopment #DenOfGeek #SuperheroTV

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21 Replies to ““Madame Web” is praised in a recent Den of Geek article for doing one thing particularly well, arguably better than the MCU: its unique approach to character development. The series delves deeper into personal narratives and psychological complexity, setting it apart from typical superhero arcs in the MCU.”

  1. People want action super heroes. We don’t want Schindler’s List super hero movies. We don’t want Shawshank Redemption super hero movies. We want action oriented super hero movies.

  2. somebody was on a lot drugs when they wrote that, Madam Web was about a boring sentient plank and her 3 one note video game trophies, one is nerdy, one flips off ambulances and one is pragmatic. I’m convinced this script was written and then edited and rewritten by AI.

  3. I just watched this 2 days ago on Netflix and I don’t get all the hate being pushed at this movie. It wasn’t a bad movie at all. I honestly think some people just can’t get past themselves and their expectations. It definitely doesn’t deserve all this inhumane nastiness from everyone.

  4. “Setting it apart from other superhero movies.”? So your take is superhero movies don’t delve into backstories?
    That’s weird, it’s like you’re saying my childhood was a lie. And that you haven’t watched a movie in 25 years.

    Superman (Christopher Reeve)
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    The Matrix
    Flash Gordon
    Guardians of the Galaxy
    Captain Marvel
    Batman (Michael Keaton)
    Swamp Thing
    The Punisher
    The Spirit
    The Phantom
    Green Hornet
    The Arrow
    Howard the Duck

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