In the “Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Three” comic series, Batman breaks his iconic “no-kill” rule to protect Superman, leading to severe consequences for the Caped Crusader. After Superman tragically kills Lois Lane and their unborn child while under the influence of Joker’s toxin, he seeks revenge, which escalates the conflict. To prevent further tragedy, Batman intervenes, ultimately making the drastic decision to end the Joker’s life to protect Superman. This act leads to Batman’s incarceration, highlighting a significant moral and narrative shift in the DC universe.

#Batman #InjusticeGodsAmongUs #DCComics #Superman #Joker

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3 Replies to “In the “Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Three” comic series, Batman breaks his iconic “no-kill” rule to protect Superman, leading to severe consequences for the Caped Crusader. After Superman tragically kills Lois Lane and their unborn child while under the influence of Joker’s toxin, he seeks revenge, which escalates the conflict. To prevent further tragedy, Batman intervenes, ultimately making the drastic decision to end the Joker’s life to protect Superman. This act leads to Batman’s incarceration, highlighting a significant moral and narrative shift in the DC universe.”

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