Bella Ramsey, celebrated for their roles in “The Last of Us” and “Game of Thrones,” is set to portray Samantha Lewthwaite, also known as The White Widow, in the upcoming film “Girl Next Door.” Directed by Bruce Goodison, the film will explore Lewthwaite’s transformation from a curious newcomer to Islam to her involvement in radical activities, culminating in the events leading up to the 2005 London attacks.

#BellaRamsey #GirlNextDoor #WhiteWidow #FilmAnnouncement #Cinema

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3 Replies to “Bella Ramsey, celebrated for their roles in “The Last of Us” and “Game of Thrones,” is set to portray Samantha Lewthwaite, also known as The White Widow, in the upcoming film “Girl Next Door.” Directed by Bruce Goodison, the film will explore Lewthwaite’s transformation from a curious newcomer to Islam to her involvement in radical activities, culminating in the events leading up to the 2005 London attacks.”

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