“Crow Country” is a new survival horror game that transports players to the eerie atmosphere of an abandoned theme park. Set in 1990, players control Mara Forest as she explores the decrepit Crow Country Theme Park, trying to unravel the mystery of its closure and the disappearance of its owner, Edward Crow. The game, inspired by classic PlayStation 1-era survival horror titles, offers a mix of horror, puzzles, and limited resource management. It’s available on Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam, and features an Exploration Mode for those who prefer to experience the story without combat.

#CrowCountry #SurvivalHorror #RetroGaming #VideoGameRelease

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One Reply to ““Crow Country” is a new survival horror game that transports players to the eerie atmosphere of an abandoned theme park. Set in 1990, players control Mara Forest as she explores the decrepit Crow Country Theme Park, trying to unravel the mystery of its closure and the disappearance of its owner, Edward Crow. The game, inspired by classic PlayStation 1-era survival horror titles, offers a mix of horror, puzzles, and limited resource management. It’s available on Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam, and features an Exploration Mode for those who prefer to experience the story without combat.”

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