If is like my daugther’s rabbit (he’s an alpha-male, even the cats fear him) this year will be more than wild, like a “savage garden” Reply
Anyone who’s owned a rabbit will disagree with that statement. Don’t let their meek reputation fool you. They have no problem chewing through just about anything and can easily dig through sheet rock. Reply
Sounds like we’re gonna have a quick year… To me, that’s just as fierce as a tiger… Tip of the year: Don’t blink… Reply
Get the Holy Hand Grenade.
He’ll do you up a treat, mate
The Killer Rabbit!
bring me the holy hand grenade of Antioch !!!
My year. This 1951 rabbit is still hopping & mad as hell at the state of our union.
If is like my daugther’s rabbit (he’s an alpha-male, even the cats fear him) this year will be more than wild, like a “savage garden”
Look at the bones……..
Night of the Lepus!
I can only think of Monty Python’s Holy Grail….”Run away,run away!”
My animal. Lol hold in tight lol
Pookie, from asheron’s call,
Anyone who’s owned a rabbit will disagree with that statement. Don’t let their meek reputation fool you. They have no problem chewing through just about anything and can easily dig through sheet rock.
…with big fangs
My Doxy ran down a rabbit and killed it in the backyard in the subdivision.
Looks like monty’s monster.
Look at the bones
That’s no ordinary rabbit!
You’ve never read Watership Down, have you
…vicious streak a mile wide!
That’s no ordinary rabbit
The beast of Caerbannog cave
Which rabbit?
You ever seen a mean rabbit??? I have…
End of Doom was the scary rabbit
get the Holy Handgrenade
Holy grail. Don’t be fooled it has big pointy teeth
And don’t forget the hair of the dog year. Lol

…but it may go by fast !
The Year of the Vorpal Rabbit.
“Look at the boooones!”
How many did we lose??
The Beast of Caerbannog!
Everybody knows what rabbits are famous for.
Population explosion!!
Sounds like we’re gonna have a quick year… To me, that’s just as fierce as a tiger…
Tip of the year: Don’t blink…
havent eaten rabbit in a few years