The prequels, for all their faults, were an original idea, planned, with a clear rationale. The sequel trilogy garnered more hate for being essentially a rush job.
I personally think that it is due to the new trilogy being pretty meh but mainly as the period was fleshed out so well by the attack of the clones cartoon.
The thing with the prequels was Lucas. His storytelling method had not matured since ’77. Remember? He left blanks that intrigued and hooked fans for DECADES. You can’t do that with a prequel. What IMHO he failed to understand and others have succeeded (when writing prequels) it’s all about the journey NOT the destination.
The first movie its really a story about how a politician can get the power to be a dictator, it is boring if you are a kid or teenager but comes with all sense as an adult, you understand that in history is a well done way to get the full power of a nation and become the emperor. You see it with other eyes.
The Prequels told a story that needed to be told, albeit badly.
The *Sequel Travesty*, on the other hand was and remains completely unnecessary, and that’s not even beginning to count all its other issues.
They aren’t good , even kids movies have decent scripts, these didn’t, hence the acting suffers . George Lucas isn’t a great director or screen play writer and the best film Empire Strikes Back was directed and screenplay done by others , hence better movie .
We saw the Disney trilogy and witnessed in real time how the Star Wars IP could be grossly mishandled, and found we somehow misjudged Lucas ask those years ago.
The hatred a) did *not* dissappear and b) has been suppressed by the house of mouse paying people to say good things about it . Once they owned the franchise, dissent was no longer allowed
Because the sequel trilogy was 10 times worse lol
Definitely didn’t disappear. I still dislike the prequel trilogy the most. Especially episodes 1-2. Most of my SW fan friends agree.
Because three even worse ones followed besides Revenge of the Sith was really good.
I will hate The phantom menace until my dying day. Worst Star Wars movie by far.
It’s only liked by people that weren’t born when the original trilogy was at the cinema.
They turned vader into a emo rock band in the prequel
It’s better than the most recent 3 , but nobody likes jar jar but a few select hippies and children who thought he was funny growing up
Jar Jar is my favorite character
The prequels, for all their faults, were an original idea, planned, with a clear rationale. The sequel trilogy garnered more hate for being essentially a rush job.
I still can’t stand them

It was redirected perhaps but hasn’t “disappeared”
Because it looks like a masterpiece by comparison to the sequels.
They weren’t perfect, but they still felt like Star Wars.
I personally think that it is due to the new trilogy being pretty meh but mainly as the period was fleshed out so well by the attack of the clones cartoon.
The thing with the prequels was Lucas. His storytelling method had not matured since ’77. Remember? He left blanks that intrigued and hooked fans for DECADES. You can’t do that with a prequel. What IMHO he failed to understand and others have succeeded (when writing prequels) it’s all about the journey NOT the destination.
The first movie its really a story about how a politician can get the power to be a dictator, it is boring if you are a kid or teenager but comes with all sense as an adult, you understand that in history is a well done way to get the full power of a nation and become the emperor. You see it with other eyes.
Same thing happened with the Hobbit trilogy when Rings of Power came out
Meh, just 3 more movies I don’t watch anymore.
All of them are amazing
Because Episode 9 took that top hate spot.
The Prequels told a story that needed to be told, albeit badly.
The *Sequel Travesty*, on the other hand was and remains completely unnecessary, and that’s not even beginning to count all its other issues.
They aren’t good , even kids movies have decent scripts, these didn’t, hence the acting suffers . George Lucas isn’t a great director or screen play writer and the best film Empire Strikes Back was directed and screenplay done by others , hence better movie .
That’s pretty easy, the sequels came along and a new hate was born.
Answer: Episodes 7,8,9
Compared to them 1,2,3 are masterpieces
Because the new trilogy made the prequel trilogy look good.
We saw the Disney trilogy and witnessed in real time how the Star Wars IP could be grossly mishandled, and found we somehow misjudged Lucas ask those years ago.
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away… the sequel trilogy came
The hatred a) did *not* dissappear and b) has been suppressed by the house of mouse paying people to say good things about it . Once they owned the franchise, dissent was no longer allowed
Because stuff came out after that was so much worse.