47 Replies to “.”

  1. My favorite story. A nurse told me to push a patient in a wheelchair in to his department, and had me follow him. The nurse is a foot taller than I am, and was walking really fast. When we got to the elevator, I declared “I cannot run all the way to Isengard!”
    Nurse didn’t get it, patient did.

  2. Hey now, Langstrom worked hard to get his doctorate and become a freak of nature. He didn’t go through that so he could be replaced by someone with the fortune of being named Wayne Bruce!

  3. If Mr. Bruce himself didn’t get it, he must be part of a Monty Python skit. (Customer says, “Hello, I’m Smoketoomuch”. Travel agent says, “Well, you better cut down a little, then”. Etc, etc, and a lovely time was had by all.

  4. I had to train a new person once and made the joke I now had a padawan. No one got it. Even when I said “Use the Force” they didn’t get it. Sparked my Sith urges :p

  5. It could also be the case that he, and his coworkers have heard that so many times they’re all tired of the joke and are being jerks about it. My legal last name is Horton and whenever someone says,”ha, like Horton hears a who?!” I’ll be honest, I’ll make them explain the reference while playing dumb. I held one guy up for almost 5 minutes 🤣

  6. At one of my old jobs, I’d only been there a short while, and a gal a cubicle over from me was having computer/program issues with some new equipment and there were 2 or 3 people trying to figure out what was going on (program reps and one of our own IT guys). I couldn’t see anybody, but of course I could hear them discussing it. Somebody said something to the effect of “Right, that’s the problem. But what’s the answer?” There were some overtalk answers/discussions, and our IT guy goes “42.” There was a half-second of silence and I said “Ah, the ultimate answer for everything.” He goes, “I’m SO glad somebody got that!” I kinda became buds with the IT guys after that, lol. I was their self-proclaimed “half geek.” 😃

  7. I answered the phone at work one day, years ago, and the guy was asking to be transferred to a person who preferred to know who was calling. I asked for his name and his answer was “Bart Simpson, who the hell are you?” I laughed so hard and yes, his name actually was Bart Simpson.

  8. I worked at a grocery store and I hear this woman talking to her kid. “Oliver Bruce!” Of course my head goes to Oliver Queen and Bruce Wayne. Turns out the named their kid after them. They went with both because the dad and mom disagreed on who was better and their favorite

  9. I got a new client named Leeroy (a very unusual name here around) born in the same year as the WoW meme went viral. When typing his name into our database I said “Leeeeroy Jeeeenkins” and my colleagues laughed, but later I discovered they had no idea what was actually funny about that. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️

  10. At work discussing the recent death of Christopher Lee. A work colleague commented that they thought he had been dead for years. I said no he was undead for years. I laughed at my own joke for several minutes. Total uncomprehending silence around me

  11. I cat sit for a black tux named Bruce Wayne. He refused to have anything to do with me until one day I said “hey Bruce Wayne, I know your secret, you are really Bat Man so I am going to call you Bat Man”. Now he is my love bug but he doesn’t respond when I call him Bruce Wayne!

  12. I once went into a construction canteen to look for a site manager at a job I was to do some work at. “ I’m looking for Guy Cummings” I said and regretted it instantly 😂💦

  13. I got a company backpack and an employee asked how I liked it and I said “It’s great, but it opens like a lunchbox” then proceeded to open the backpack and say “Feed me Seymour” and she looked horrified and asked if she was supposed to be Seymour. I said “you have never seen Little Shop of Horrors before have you?” And she said “no, I have no idea what you are talking about” and I was devastated.

  14. There was a woman I knew at work called Christine Vale I used to call her Batwoman……. it went straight over her head
    I even told people who were culturally more attuned….. they just looked at me blankly….it was the loneliest I ever felt 😆

  15. Sheldon: If Batman were bitten by a radioactive Man-Bat, and then fought crime disguised as Man-Bat, would he be Man-Bat-Man-Bat-Man or simply Man-Bat-Man-Bat-Batman?
    Penny: Is he still wearing the Batman suit under the Man-Bat suit?
    Sheldon: (a moment’s pause) I’ll be back.

    Definitely a favorite part of the show!!🤣🤣🤣🤣

  16. Wow. Referring to that sort of thing, in the late 80s or early 90s, when there were thriving Blockbuster stores with VHS tapes, in C. Spgs., I went looking for The Big Sleep, and I didn’t find it, and I asked the kid at the counter about it, and he was clueless, and then I said it starred Humphrey Bogart, and he didn’t know who that was, and I tried to say something, but then it was just too much….

  17. I was in charge of the gate for work letting only our crew in and I WASTED A GHOSTBUSTERS JOKE on a Gen z kid 😭 when he made a joke about me being the gatekeeper I asked if he was the key master and he was very confused

  18. My son had a teacher in high school called Mr Horton. When my son introduced him i said “who”. I could not contain my giggles. They were not impressed. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

  19. this is unrelated by my stepdad named our dog bruce thinking that bruce wayne was supermans name, so now we have a dog named bruce for bruce wayne and the dog happens to look a bit like a bat. i still find it funny how hes a massive fan of superman yet got bruce wayne mixed up for clark kent 💀

  20. I was introduced to a new guy at work and they said “This is Anthony” I stood up and said “but you will call me Nighthawk” He just looked blankly at me. Turns out he has never seen Stepbrothers.

  21. I play sport with a guy named Peter Ayerst. Up until he was in his 40s, he didn’t know his real parents because he had been adopted as a baby. His adopted family name is Parker, so he spent the first 40 odd years of his life named Peter Parker. So we call him Spidey (short for Spiderman), despite him now going by his birth parents’ surname.

  22. I can relate. I was talking to the customer and she mentioned that her brother Bruno arrived and I responded “Bruno? 7 foot frame with rats along his back?” just to break the ice. She then request for my manager and told me I am filthy 🤷🏻‍♂️ never again 🤣

  23. I work at a vet clinic and we have a client named Stephen King, who brought his cat in to see the vet. I mentioned to my colleague that I’m surprised the cat wasn’t named Church. Nothing. 🙄 Had no idea.

  24. Whellactualeagh, ManBat’s real name is Dr. Kirk Langstrom, and he turned himself into a giant man-bat trying to inject bat DNA into himself to combat his deafness, and he, er… I…

    I’ll see myself out.

  25. I used to work for a bank called Manufacturer’s Hanover. The name came from the merger of 2 banks with those names. The running joke was that when the banks merged they thought about combining the names to instead call the bank the “Manover” Bank.
    But they had to drop that idea when they realized the Board of Directors would be the “Manover Board”.

  26. This one time at the grocery store check-out, the cashier’s name tag said “Stevie”. And I said: “That’s a great name, your parents must be huge Fleetwood Mac fans.” Her response was: “No it actually came from Stevie Nicks, this singer lady.” I just nodded awkwardly and died inside as I walked off.

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