Nine for the Men, Seven for Dwarves, Three for the Elves, and then the best left forgotten Five for the Ewoks, when they started eating the Hobbits they were bumped off to some moon in a dark place in the sky.
And so I’m offering this simple phrase to kids from one to ninety-two. Although it’s been said many times, many ways, “Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul”
Just out of curiosity, he made a ring to rule all rings right? Why couldn’t someone just make a ring to rule the one ring? You know checks and balances lol.
I love how this has been popping up everywhere. On the first of the month, when we started decorating, I decided to put Gollum in our Christmas tree this year. Why, you ask?
So, for a few years, we’ve continued a long-running family joke/skit/story in that Gollum lost the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom, but didn’t fall in, so now he wanders the Earth (Middle and modern), seeking replacements for his Precious. In fact, any ring will do. It’s become an extreme obsession with rings in general. Mostly just gold rings, but occasionally with goofy things, such as nose rings, and the notorious tub rings (he is the filthiest of hobbitses — riverfolk — after all. By the way, he *hates* baths).
My mom makes up most of those skit scenarios, including our favorite: Calling up and harassing Tom Shane (mind you, we’ve never done that. I call on Andy Serkis to pull that one). It’s everything from insulting threats to ranting about not understanding why Tom Shane won’t give up his “stupid rings”.
There’s no option for uploading a photo in the comments here, so just picture a vinyl 3-inch figuring of Gollum in our Christmas tree, riding a realistic faux-fur polar bear in search of the… fiiiive golllden riiiings!
Hehe he.
Tho, technically, the song refers to a desert that used the be served at Christmas. A cake that had coins and trinkets baked into it.
In most cases it wasn’t so much eaten as shredded.
The song is about the food and entertainment at a lords Christmas banquet which would last for 12 days typically due to travel time.
And those seven rings begot 7 rings that begot another 7 rings until the end of the night of the 7th Day and they all had their own special powers to grant good fortune on their wearers as the Alfather gifted them to his friends the end!
Should I be worried I take it this is a game I sure hope so if it’s a real world then I want him a game I don’t do I love you I want you to always remember that team up no not team up I’m in talk to text I meant to say grandma love your way
If you don’t pay attention to the fact that the original songwriter of 12 Days of Christmas used the line “five golden rings” to represent 5 golden ringed pheasants (*yup…more birds*) then I suppose you’ve made a Christmas movie outta LOTR!
I love how the names of things in LOTR don’t leave much room to doubt on whether they are good or bad. Sometimes being straight to the point is convenient.
The five golden rings actually refer to a type of bird that had gold rings around their necks. Which would imply that the “ring” that Sauron forged was, in fact, a bird to rule all the other birds.
Hearing Galadriel’s voice in the second part like THE NERD THAT I AM
They were deceived anyway for the Five golden rings were in fact five Golden Ring Necked Plovers…yes, MORE BIRDS!
Nine ring for mortal men,

Seven rings for the dwarves in their halls,
Five rings for the hobbits under their hills,
Three rings for the elven lords…….
my girlfriend keeps bringing up marriage……. I know the true power of a ring, and what it can do to a man
Nine for the Men, Seven for Dwarves, Three for the Elves, and then the best left forgotten Five for the Ewoks, when they started eating the Hobbits they were bumped off to some moon in a dark place in the sky.
That fact that I sang the sauron part in a Christmas chime

..f-four calling birds.. three French hens…
And it is the fifth day of Christmas.
One partridge in a pear tree to rule them all!
It was determined the rings were birds not a piece of jewelry. That means that the 1st 7 days of Christmas were of the avian species.
Now sing it again!
Merry Christmas to the family!!
So you see? LotR IS a Christmas movie.
Saying both to myself in Galadriel’s voice now.
And so I’m offering this simple phrase to kids from one to ninety-two. Although it’s been said many times, many ways, “Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul”
Just out of curiosity, he made a ring to rule all rings right? Why couldn’t someone just make a ring to rule the one ring? You know checks and balances lol.
I read that in the Doom Eternal narrator voice lol
5 “gold” rings. They aren’t retrievers.
Is that why the trilogy is broadcast on TV around Christmas every year?
And a partridge in a pear tree.
But they were all of them deceived.
I love how this has been popping up everywhere. On the first of the month, when we started decorating, I decided to put Gollum in our Christmas tree this year. Why, you ask?
So, for a few years, we’ve continued a long-running family joke/skit/story in that Gollum lost the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom, but didn’t fall in, so now he wanders the Earth (Middle and modern), seeking replacements for his Precious. In fact, any ring will do. It’s become an extreme obsession with rings in general. Mostly just gold rings, but occasionally with goofy things, such as nose rings, and the notorious tub rings (he is the filthiest of hobbitses — riverfolk — after all. By the way, he *hates* baths).
My mom makes up most of those skit scenarios, including our favorite: Calling up and harassing Tom Shane (mind you, we’ve never done that. I call on Andy Serkis to pull that one). It’s everything from insulting threats to ranting about not understanding why Tom Shane won’t give up his “stupid rings”.
There’s no option for uploading a photo in the comments here, so just picture a vinyl 3-inch figuring of Gollum in our Christmas tree, riding a realistic faux-fur polar bear in search of the… fiiiive golllden riiiings!
Sam Coker fiivee goolld riinggss. Four dwarven Lords, three elven peeps, two hobitses and a firey eye in Mount Doooommm
Hehe he.
Tho, technically, the song refers to a desert that used the be served at Christmas. A cake that had coins and trinkets baked into it.
In most cases it wasn’t so much eaten as shredded.
The song is about the food and entertainment at a lords Christmas banquet which would last for 12 days typically due to travel time.
Kaitlynn Louise I sang the song in my head and then it changed suddenly to the voice of Galadriel
Whom do you serve? Then the carolers glare into the camera with the same response the ork gave
That was very difficult to sing
And those seven rings begot 7 rings that begot another 7 rings until the end of the night of the 7th Day and they all had their own special powers to grant good fortune on their wearers as the Alfather gifted them to his friends
the end!
Hilarious, why are people trying to dissect it. I hate the over-thinkers. They can even ruin a good funeral.
Yes, I read that in Galadriel’s voice.
I just sang this and it was perfect
Misty McDaniel Lewis
these are a little funnier now that I’ve actually watched the movies
Tried to sing it with the tune of the song. Some of it fit well.
I always knew this was a Christmas Movie
I don’t know why, but I read the second bit with Morgan Feeman’s voice as the narrator…
and It’s actually referring to ringed pheasants, just 5 more birds, no rings
5 golden rings. The precious 5 times over? Gollum would die from ecstasy.
Should I be worried I take it this is a game I sure hope so if it’s a real world then I want him a game I don’t do I love you I want you to always remember that team up no not team up I’m in talk to text I meant to say grandma love your way
There I was..hanging in the edge of my seat
One Ring to rule them all.
One Ring to find them.
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
In the land of Mordor, where shadows lie.
If you don’t pay attention to the fact that the original songwriter of 12 Days of Christmas used the line “five golden rings” to represent 5 golden ringed pheasants (*yup…more birds*) then I suppose you’ve made a Christmas movie outta LOTR!

I love how the names of things in LOTR don’t leave much room to doubt on whether they are good or bad. Sometimes being straight to the point is convenient.
Best thing I’ve seen this year!!!

I thought it was a line from a Led Zeppelin song.
Seven swans to lead them all, six geese to find them. Five rings to bring them all, and in the pear tree bind them
The five golden rings actually refer to a type of bird that had gold rings around their necks. Which would imply that the “ring” that Sauron forged was, in fact, a bird to rule all the other birds.