You have the ring, and I see your Schwartz is as big as mine. Now let’s see how well you handle it. Reply
Come to the Dark Side. We have lox and bagels, maybe some brisket. And strudel; don’t forget the strudel. Reply
Susan Cole
Spike Cohen
“I find your lack of Dradel disturbing.”
Darrell Syme
Greg Wilson-MacCormack, Dave Smith

Mike Rod
You have the ring, and I see your Schwartz is as big as mine. Now let’s see how well you handle it.
With the Hanukkah!!!
Brandon Leavitt
Though he was born Ben Solo, upon becoming a Sith Lord, he chose the name Darth Menor Ren.
Oy Vey! Out in that cold? with this coat? with my sinuses?
Daniel Ruben Pullen
Darth Oy Veyder
It slices. It dices. And so much more….
Liam Fagelson Ben Gordon
May the Swartz be with you…
Daniel Hirschberg
Michael Weisberg
Samuel Gelb
Come to the Dark Side. We have lox and bagels, maybe some brisket. And strudel; don’t forget the strudel.
Use the force m’boy
Le Lorrain Philippe
very accurate
Sandra Singer
When you’re also bad at grammar.
Tried it using Yoda speak and voice.
Devin Harwell
Shay Hagbi
Zak Zermati
This is low key terrifying
Chris VanLysebettens

Also has a thermal detonator dreidel!
Tal GlazerAdi Krisov