One Reply to “Deleted Sandman Scene Detailed By Death Actor Kirby Howell-Baptiste”

  1. I was watching the episode where Dream visits death. As they take a walk and Death goes about her normal day, I liked how she was talking about how she wanted to be a friendly face for those who are passing. Im watching and the old man she visits with the violin was touching, it got me a little choked up. The guy on the beach, I felt bad for, but it was understandable, and I I felt the pain of him not able to help his new wife not be stranded in a country with no money. I was enjoying the darkness with kindness that death seemed to be exuding, until they entered the home with the baby. . .

    I watched as the mom put the baby down, and I spoke to my TV, “No! Don’t you do it!” Death waited till the mom left the room. I yelled at my TV, “Walk away, don’t you do it!” Death then proceeds to pick up the baby and talk to it, and says something like “Yes you did have a short time here.”

    I paused the show. Cried for about 15 minutes. My wife had fallen asleep, and woke up to me just being an emotional mess. Thought something was physically wrong with me, and it took me several minutes to tell her that the show made me this way.

    Its been a couple of months now, and I still haven’t been back to finish the show. I had been so underwhelmed by the show, especially the episode in the diner, as it was one big windup for what amounted to nothing in the end. I wasn’t expecting to be gutted like that, with such simple execution. I may return to the series eventually, but not anytime soon thats for sure.

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